Featuring Zachary Surprenant

Success is Freedom

Final Image




3d Modeled Canoe


Original Image


Zachary Surprenant


Success is Freedom

Free­dom to do what­ev­er you want.

To have that free­dom, you need to work on getting your basic priorities situated to make it so you don’t have to wor­ry.

To get work, it is all about con­nec­tions to peo­ple.

Zach found his com­mu­ni­ty in skate­board­ing, but find a com­mu­ni­ty, be a part of it, and con­nect.

When you get past the strug­gle of fight­ing for work, it is amaz­ing to start being selec­tive with work and only select the clients that believe in you and what you are doing.

Social media fol­low­ing mat­ters and it doesn’t. You can have only 50 peo­ple view­ing your con­tent, but if it is the right 50 peo­ple, it will go some­where.

A lot of times, poten­tial clients want num­bers to jus­ti­fy your work, but you probably wouldn’t want to work with companies that consider those numbers a priority.

What is awe­some about social media, is your con­tent may not be cool in a cer­tain area, but social media can help you find your com­mu­ni­ty, no mat­ter where they are.

Let’s not set­tle down to quick, let’s go hard as pos­si­ble while we can, and keep the momen­tum MOVING.

(This is a para­phrased sum­mery of a inter­view of the artist)

The Artist


Zachary Surprenant


Insta @mightyprodzach



Behind The Scenes
